
Super Mario ReInvent

Super Mario ReInvent (formerly known as New Super Mario Bros. X) is an open-source Mario fan-game currently developed by Core. It is a fork of TheXTech, ...

New Super Mario Bros X | Fantendo

New Super Mario Bros X is a platform game in the New Super Mario Bros series. It introduces the Chicken Suit, which was supposed to be in New Super Mario ...


Super Mario Bros X2 (SMBX 2.0) is an open source evolution of Redigit's SMBX fan game engine with new playables, NPCs, blocks, game modes, and much more!

New Super Mario Bros. X | Fantendo

New Super Mario Bros. X is an side-scrolling 2.5D platform game for the Wii X. It's the fifteenth title in the main Super Mario series and the tenth installment ...


2013年8月12日 — 如果你有Wii,應該有玩過新超級瑪利歐兄弟吧!那是很具代表性的現代瑪利歐2D捲軸遊戲我用SMBX製作類似新超級瑪利歐兄弟的遊戲,不僅地圖相像,關卡 ...


SuperMarioReInvent(formerlyknownasNewSuperMarioBros.X)isanopen-sourceMariofan-gamecurrentlydevelopedbyCore.ItisaforkofTheXTech, ...,NewSuperMarioBrosXisaplatformgameintheNewSuperMarioBrosseries.ItintroducestheChickenSuit,whichwassupposedtobeinNewSuperMario ...,SuperMarioBrosX2(SMBX2.0)isanopensourceevolutionofRedigit'sSMBXfangameenginewithnewplayables,NPCs,blocks,gamemodes,andmuchmore!,,NewSup...